The Honor Oak Wellness Rooms

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Hello from The Honor Oak Wellness Rooms…

Welcome to our blog! Before we post our first few articles we thought it was best to introduce the clinic, our values and what you can expect from our blog posts.

The Honor Oak Wellness rooms is a health and well-being clinic in Honor Oak, South East London. The clinic was started by Simon and Vivien Leung, a brother and sister duo who each bring their own talents to the business. Simon specialises in chiropractic care and has a passion for helping empower people to reach their goals. Vivien, through her experience with scoliosis, saw the benefit in providing both chiropractic care alongside exercise classes that offer fundamental help with strengthening and supporting patients. This is therefore why she set up the clinic to provide exercise as a core part of the beliefs and ethos, because without this recovery would be much slower.

Our mission is to be able to offer our community the tools to support their health and well-being journey. Everyone is an individual at our clinic, and therefore we believe in offering a range of facilities to cater to each person’s needs. Our services include chiropractic care, massage therapy, western herbal medicine therapy and Yoga and Pilates classes.

The main focus of our blog will be on topics relating to improving your health and well-being as well as informative pieces about chiropractic care and the facilities we offer here. We hope you enjoy our upcoming posts and feel free to get in contact via social media to give any feedback or your thoughts about our posts. Until then we will let you get back to your well-being journey and we hope to see you in the clinic soon!