The Honor Oak Wellness Rooms

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Tips for staying healthy on holiday this summer

Say sayonara to grey clouds, not your healthy holiday body

You’ve dreamt of lying by a pool with a mojito in hand for months now, with nothing to worry about except whether or not you’re going to make it in time for the breakfast buffet. After all of the excitement leading up to a holiday, it’s easy to forget all of the effort you’ve put in in the last year to maintain your health and well-being; surely a week off can’t have that much effect right? We’ve all been there, but completely forgetting about diet and exercise on holiday can make it really difficult to get back into the swing of things when you’re home, and making a few wise choices on holiday could actually improve your overall trip. Take a look at our top 5 tips for your healthiest and most enjoyable trip yet:

1.       Keep hydrated

If you’re visiting a country with hot temperatures you need to take on much more water than you’re used to, particularly when flying, as the air conditioning especially de-hydrates the body. Allowing yourself to get dehydrated can lead to effects like headaches, fatigue and bloating, not ideal when you’re strolling around in your swim gear!

2.       Don’t forget your vitamins

While abroad you’re often surrounded by gorgeous fresh fruit, vegetables and fish but these can be missed if you’re not cooking much while away. Take the time to visit a local market, where you can get some seasonal fruit and veg to snack on throughout the day, helping to maintain your vitamin A and C and potassium levels whilst supporting a glowing complexion, win-win! It’s also a good idea to consider restaurants close to the sea, where fresh fish will be in abundance, a good opportunity to get an important source of omega 3

3.       Do regular activities with your family

A fun group activity like snorkelling or volleyball on the beach could be your chance to fit in a workout without feeling like you’re missing out on relaxation time. A 30 minute dip in the sea is a perfect way of fitting in the recommended weekly activity by the NHS whilst strengthing your muscles.   Even better the whole family will get a workout too, whilst building memories and creating a couple of amusing photo opportunities!

4.       Schedule a workout or stretch session

This might not have been in your initial plans but fitting in just one workout session, or 30 minutes dedicated to stretching and yoga, will break up your time away from your exercise routine at home, preventing the first session back from being such a shock. Planning a quick exercise session doesn’t have to be difficult, even a walk on the beach is better than nothing and it will  help prevent you from regretting all those 3 scoop ice cream cones! Here’s an example of some easy yoga moves that you can do anywhere, without equipment, hold each pose for one minute:


5.       Relax, relax, relax!

Some have argued that stress is our biggest health concern, 39% of all work related illnesses were stress, depression or anxiety related last year, and if there’s ever a time you’re allowed a big unwind session it’s on holiday. Relaxing in whatever way is best for you, whether it’s by reading, meditating or dosing on a beach, can provide many benefits, for example, reducing blood pressure, helping to protect your heart. Coming back from a holiday relaxed can also help you make better decisions by clearing your mind, improving your mental health and reducing stress levels – bliss!