The Honor Oak Wellness Rooms

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The benefits of squats and lunges

Squats and lunges are some of the best exercises you can do (we think so, anyway!). Not only do they utilise more than one muscle including the glutes, abs, hamstrings and quads they strengthen the muscles extemely effectively and require you to really test your balance.

Squats and lunge exercises are brilliant for general fitness but they are also an important aspect of lower back rehabilitation as you build from traditional core exercises to more dynamic exercises which will help you cope with day to day life.

Try and build these exercises into a regular exercise regime for maximum benefit. Build slowly, making sure you use proper form to avoid injury. Here is our sports massage therapist Steve showing proper technique:

Squat technique

1.       Start in a natural stance, shoulder width apart with a natural curve in your lower back

2.       While maintaining the curve in the lower back bend your knees and move your glutes towards the ground as if you’re going to sit on a chair. Technique note: make sure your knees do not go too far over your feet

3.       Push up using your leg and glute muscles and return to standing


Lunge technique

1.       Start in a natural stance, shoulder width apart with a natural curve in your lower back

2.       Making sure your pelvis is facing directly forward, lunge forward with your right leg making sure your knee doesn’t go past the foot and your pelvis is facing forward without any twists, whilst your rear leg should bend at the knee and the foot

3.       Return to standing position, making sure you push back with the leg muscles without twisting the body