This course is an excellent way to help you connect with your body, regain your physical fitness after childbirth, and to spend some quality time with your baby. This class is a gentle but fun way to look after your physical and mental health, all you need is 45 minutes and a baby!

Your body went through a lot of changes during pregnancy, and sometimes it can take a while for it to stabilise again postnatally. You still have hormones in your body which were responsible for relaxing your ligaments (to enable childbirth), and your posture has changed again now baby is out, and these things can increase the risk of causing pain or injury.

Caring for your baby requires a lot of forward bending and repetitive tasks; nappy changing, feeding (breast or bottle) etc, and some of these positions can cause back, shoulder or wrist issues. Pilates is a safe way to mobilise and strengthen the muscles in these areas, as well as your upper, middle, and lower back, the muscles that support the pelvic floor and the muscles that stabilise your hips - all using the weight of your baby. As your baby grows the repertoire becomes more challenging (as, naturally, does the demand on your body in your day-to-day life as your baby gains weight). 

We will also use small equipment such as resistance bands and over balls, rings, foam bricks etc to add challenge and fun. The Teacher will give you an alternative exercise if a position is uncomfortable for you to perform. Please speak to the teacher if you have any concerns or have any questions.

Please bring your baby in a sling (if you have one) for the standing exercises, but also due to lack of storage space for prams at the studio. Baby-wearing is as great for the baby as it is for you. If you would like more information on slings, you can find a free drop-in session (with the option of also hiring or purchasing a sling) in SE6 with South London Sling Library.

WEEK ONE: Breathing and Decompression
We will focus on your breathing technique, isolation of movements and movement of the pelvis and spine to release any compression whilst holding your baby. We will gain understanding of the Principles of Pilates to find length and strength in the muscles that support your spine, with correct alignment, breathing techniques and centring.

WEEK TWO: Flexibility and Muscle Strength
As we recap what we learnt in week one, this class will focus on muscle strength and muscle memory, with slow repetition and controlled movements we will work on muscle flexibility and strength. This week your baby may have put on more weight to make the repertoire more challenging. Adaptations will be given if necessary.

WEEK THREE: Stress Relief and Alignment
This week you will be going further with your understanding of your body, neutral alignment, and movement. We will focus on improving the quality of every movement and coordination, while your baby and you enjoy time with other mums and babies

WEEK FOUR: Postural Control
We will recap on the warmup phase. This week the focus will be on the movement quality to gain equal muscle strength of the upper back and shoulder girdle. We will work with opposition and challenge the effects of gravity on your posture, improving feeding positions while releasing tension in the upper body.

WEEK FIVE: Pelvic Floor
This week we will continue progressing with the repertoire we are learning, but we will focus on strengthening your pelvic floor muscles while performing isolated movements and taking into consideration the Pilates principles.The exercises will include connection and control of the muscles which might have weakened during childbirth. 

WEEK SIX: Progressions and Regressions
This week, we will go through the previous exercises and try more advanced versions of the Pilates Repertoire according to your individual fitness and strength. Your baby might be heavier, and adaptations will be given when necessary. You will have an excellent understanding of the body awareness, core control and strength aspects of Pilates whilst caring for your baby and feeling happier and stronger.

These sessions are each 45 mins in length and the course is priced at £70 for 6 weeks.

It is recommended to wait until 6 weeks after a vaginal birth, or 10 weeks after a c-section before you re-start a movement practice.

Please note that this course is for pre-crawling babies only.

Please bring your own mat if you have one, and a medium-sized towel for head-support.