Becoming a mother is a time when a woman’s body is subjected to big changes, both physical and emotional. This courses aims to ensure that you remain healthy, fit and confident in your body during pregnancy.

Practicing Pilates regularly can help to avoid many of the aches and pains associated with pregnancy, and help to prepare you for labour and delivery of the baby. Not to mention the demands of looking after a baby and recovering from pregnancy and birthing.

Expect to start in a standing position with stretches to warm up your body, before moving down on to the mat for the main body of the class. To finish we will stand and stretch, and leave ready to enjoy the rest of your day.

We will use small equipment such as resistance bands and over balls, foam bricks etc to add challenge and fun.

The teacher will take into consideration each participant's stage of pregnancy to design each class according to your needs (or medical conditions) and will give you an alternative exercise if a position is uncomfortable for you to perform. Please speak to the teacher if you have any concerns or have any questions.

WEEK ONE: Range of Movement, Breathing and Alignment
In the first week we will learn about physical changes of the body, and the impact of hormones on ligaments and other tissues in the body. We will learn to move within a safe range of movements and avoid overstretching of the joints. We will be practicing and following a variety of exercises in different positions. The teacher will give alternative sequences if anybody requires this.

WEEK TWO: Postural Changes and Back Care
We will recap the safe range of movement explored during the previous week and concentrate on the changes to your posture, learning exercises that will release tension in the upper back and decompression in the lower back. This will help you to release tension due to the increased curvature of the lower back, and mediate the effect of the shift of the centre of gravity on your sense of balance and posture.

WEEK THREE: Lumbo-Pelvic Stability 
This week we will focus on strengthening the muscles and ligaments that support your pelvis and the lower back, encouraging them to be in perfect tension and length to ensure a good stability to prepare for labour, whilst putting in practice all the previous knowledge learnt in the exercise repertoire.

WEEK FOUR: Breathing and Core Connection
We will include more challenging exercises this week, focusing on breathing to control movement and to release tension, whilst learning to re-route your deeper abdominal muscles to strengthen the muscles that support your back, pelvic floor, pelvis and hips.

WEEK FIVE: Pelvic Floor Education
With the continued focus on reinforcing previously taught exercises and knowledge, this week we will focus on Pelvic Floor education and routines. These exercises will focus on the pelvic floor connection, control and release. We will learn slow and fast twitch exercises.

WEEK SIX: Release of Tension and Upper body Strength
In this final week, the exercises will help you to relax your muscles in your upper back and neck whilst utilising breathing techniques and adequate core connection. We will continue decompressing the lower back and will feel more confident practicing more challenging exercises to increase upper body strength including arms and spine.

These sessions are each 60mins in length and the course is priced at £85 for 6 weeks. Please bring your own mat if you have one, and a medium-sized towel for head-support.